Fueling for Performance, Recovery and Results

By Michael Raynor, MS, RD, LDN Eating the right things at the right times around our workouts is one of the biggest things we can do to improve our performance for our workouts and improve our recovery from them—ensuring that we’re getting the most out of them. It also is one of the most neglected […]
5 Tips to Spring Clean Your Diet

By Michael Raynor, MS, RD, LDN There’s no “right time” to start a new habit or change your diet. However, in all areas of our lives, whether it’s cleaning our living space, our car, or our pantry/diet, it’s often helpful to start at the beginning of the new season. So, if those goals you set […]
Introducing a New Nutrition Partner

You have likely heard the phrase “you can’t out-exercise a bad diet,” and the deeper truth is that our nutritional habits have a far greater impact on our body composition and health goals than any other fitness component. Here is just one reason that is so: We eat more frequently than we exercise (we may […]
The Truth About Cholesterol

February is Heart Health Month – so let’s talk about it. A January 2009 study published in the American Heart Journal found that nearly three out of four patients hospitalized for a heart attack had total cholesterol levels in the “normal” range of 200 or less. Some of them were taking statins to lower their cholesterol, and some of […]
Mother Nature’s Halloween Candy

Acorn – dark green/orange, or buff-colored, has a ribbed rind, and contains a moist yellow or orange interior. This particular variety of squash contains vitamin A, niacin, folate, thiamine, and vitamin B6 but it is especially a high in vitamin C. Acorn squash is also high in potassium, magnesium, and fiber. Great for roasting and then […]
Are you REALLY hungry?

Last night right before bedtime I mindlessly dove into not 1 but 2 mini snack bags (one popcorn, one Oreos – and I “never” eat Oreos), along with some watermelon and grapes. Can you say sugar overload? I wasn’t even hungry. Not only did I immediately feel bad physically – but I didn’t even enjoy them. Do […]
Goes Down Quick and Smooth…That’s the Problem

If you feel you have been picking up some extra pounds through this pandemic or hit a plateau in your weight loss efforts, you are not alone. We have heard from a lot of you that this time at home, and the increased stress of this situation has led to more drinking and more snacking. So, […]
Five Delicious Low Carb Alternatives

If you’re like me, you’re watching your figure and it’s never too early to start preparing for string bikini season. So, carbohydrates need to be kept in check. I’m always looking for healthy alternatives that I can use in classic meals. Below are five of my favorite healthy low carbohydrate alternatives. They are easy to […]
Why I Understand My Clients’ Struggle with Weight Loss

When you see me training my clients at work or lifting heavy weights on my own, you wouldn’t believe that I spent several years struggling with my weight. I am not like many personal trainers. I didn’t play a sport growing up and I most certainly wasn’t always in shape. There was a time when […]
Eat Clean & Lean

This particular secret to getting back the svelte man bod you had in your younger days is quite simple. Unfortunately, it’s the one thing that we have the most trouble with. Clean eating. We find it difficult for two reasons. Giving in to our cravings and getting lazy on food prep. Have you heard the […]