14 Ways to ThinkFUN

At Empower we believe that how we experience life is intrinsically connected to how we think.  You have probably heard this quote by Henry Ford: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.”  And this saying speaks to the essence of the importance of MINDSET. We encourage our clients to adopt an […]

Your Mind is Powerful

I think you have likely heard the saying – “You are what you think,” but have you ever taken the time to decipher what this means? Our minds are powerful parts of our beings and much of what we think (especially what we think of ourselves) will manifest itself in our lives. There is a […]

Fitness Fun . . . Let’s Go!

Ways to make Fitness Effective and Fun “FUN” is not always the first word that comes to mind when someone says “physical fitness” or “workout”, but why not? I love working out and most of the time I do find it fun. Working out can be done in hundreds of different ways so the key […]

Move More, Sit Less Pt. 2

Last August we shared some information about the detriments of too much sitting. We were at the height of the Stay-at-Home portion of this pandemic journey and lots of us had stopped moving as much as we once had in our pre-pandemic, hustle-bustle lifestyle. Now, our lives are resembling “normal,” but we’re finding that we […]

Its a Date! Make it an Active One

It’s a Date!–Make it an Active One After over a year of feeling isolated and not being able to gather with family and friends as we used to, many of us are ready to PARTY. . . or at least grab dinner with some friends. In the past week alone, I have hosted a family […]

Stress & Weight Gain

STRESS! Oh my, we all have our share of it. Whether it’s work stress, relationship stress, worry about your family or simply stress about current world events, there is plenty to go around, and it can wreak havoc on your health. We are very aware of how stress affects us mentally–causing anxiety and depression, substance […]

Go Outside and Play

women run club durham

Wow! Was this past week as stressful for you as it has been for us? With the stress of the election and Covid cases rapidly increasing, 2020 is still taking its toll on us. In times like these it is helpful to count your blessings and seek simple joys. One big one can be found […]

Thank You for Celebrating With Us

  Thank You for Celebrating our 15th Anniversary with Us! They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but we would need 1000 pictures (and this is just a small sample from Sunday) to capture our gratitude for all of you – our clients, our team and our fitness community! Thank you for all the years of sweat and […]

Celebrating 15 Years of Empower

If you are reading this then you have been a part of our amazing fitness journey. Through ups and downs, though many of life’s milestones, through great times and tough times, we have continued to workout together, sweat together, laugh and sometimes cry together and care about each other. We are grateful. We are proud. […]

Something Great to Celebrate

It was August 1993, still only 17 years old, I had just arrived to an almost empty Morrison dorm on UNC’s campus.  Freshman orientation for out-of-state students was scheduled for the three days prior to move-in day when the thousands of other students would arrive. Having just moved from California and knowing no one, the expanse of […]