14 Ways to ThinkFUN

At Empower we believe that how we experience life is intrinsically connected to how we think. You have probably heard this quote by Henry Ford: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” And this saying speaks to the essence of the importance of MINDSET. We encourage our clients to adopt an […]
Addressing Knees Over Toes
There is a common myth in the fitness industry that you cannot push your knees over your toes during lower body strengthening exercises. This is not the case and should be explained. It is often said that you are at a higher chance of injuring your knees if you go knees-over-toes during your exercises. Now, […]
Off Set Resistance Exercises
Offset resistance exercises are strength based movements that asymmetrically load one side of the body. This type of training can help improve coordination, motor control, and overall movement posture. Here are some examples of exercises using this method: ▪️REVERSE LUNGES – Place the weight on the same side as your working leg. Turn hips forward […]
Summer is Here

Summer is here and we are ready for all the good things that come along with these warmer months – like cook outs, beach/lake days and maybe a trip or two . . . AND, we think summer is a perfect time to refocus on your health and fitness! Here are a few things to […]
Single-Leg Squat Test
By: The Obstacle Doc Here is a helpful tip from our partners in health, physical therapists – Dr. Chris Kosobucki and Dr. Daniela Ortiz-Kosobucki. We love that they share their expert knowledge and best advice for maintaining healthy, strong bodies and exercises to help common orthopedic injuries with our team and our clients! One of […]
Workout Wednesday
Workout Details Using two kettlebells in this position adds an instability factor to the shoulders, which then translates to the core. Make sure to use two lighter kettlebells because the weight will add up! These are exercises where you are pushing or pulling against an immovable object. These are effective for training certain postures during […]
Your Mind is Powerful

I think you have likely heard the saying – “You are what you think,” but have you ever taken the time to decipher what this means? Our minds are powerful parts of our beings and much of what we think (especially what we think of ourselves) will manifest itself in our lives. There is a […]
Nutrition for Changes and Aging

By: Michael Raynor, MS, RD, LDN As both men and women reach their 40s and beyond, they’re faced with changes thatmay require them to adjust their nutrition and fueling to ensure they’re best supporting theirhealth as well as any performance goals they may have. This can be difficult for many men andwomen because their nutrition […]
The Basics of Macros & Portions

You may have heard of the macronutrients (or “macros” for short). Even if you don’t know whatthey are, you’ve likely seen them listed on the Nutrition Facts panel of all the packaged foodsyou buy–carbohydrates, protein, and fat. These macronutrients are the larger components offood and make up all the calories (also known as energy) that […]
Low Back Pain? Tight Hip Flexors? Here Are 3 Stretches to Help

[vc_row nav_skin=”light” consent_include=”include”][vc_column css_animation=””][vc_column_text]If you’re experiencing low back pain, tightness in the hips, and posture where your hips seem to live angled behind your spine, you’re likely experiencing something called anterior pelvic tilt. Here, we’ll detail 3 stretches you can do to help alleviate that pain and bring comfort back into your day-to-day. Hip Flexor […]