Shoulder Stabilization – Hanging Scapular Retraction

All right my ninja warriors, obstacle course race athletes, Cross-fitters, and ANYONE wanting to master the pull-up, this is one for you!

I want you to take a second and appreciate how important our shoulder blade is and all the muscles that connect to it that impact how our shoulder and arms move in space. They are like the foundation for our arms because almost all initiated and through-range movements involve leverage from our shoulder blade muscles.

Take for example the pull-up; when we initiate our “pull” it is technically not just from your arm, but rather more specifically from the
way we drive our shoulder blades into a combination of retraction and downward rotation. If your shoulder blades didn’t do this, then you definitely would be “arming” your pull-up and missing out on a lot of power for this big demand. You may also be placing important aspects of your shoulder at risk for undo stress during the pull, which is never a good thing.

See how well you can coordinate this movement on a bar, and if you are trying to master that pull-up, this one is perfect for you!

Need help mastering the pull up? Schedule a free initial session here with one of our awesome personal trainers.

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