No Time for Exercise? That’s Why You Need a Personal Trainer 

Time. There are 168 hours in a week but we still can’t ever find enough of it. Between work and sleep, we lose a significant chunk of it right away. Add in family, food, and life in general, and its easy to see why working out ends up in the Way Too Busy to Do column of your daily responsibilities list. What most people don’t realize though, is there is an easy solution to this.

Hire yourself a personal trainer.

Don’t roll your eyes. I know we just went over how life was too crowded to fit in things like fitness, but a trainer will turn your “busy problem” into a fitter, happier you.


Let’s say you are able to set aside a 30-minute slice of your day. That’s a one-half hour of 168. It can be before work, after, during your lunch break, or while the kids are at soccer practice. Working with a personal trainer is the most efficient use of your time. For 30 minutes you will be with someone whose sole focus is helping you reach your fitness goal.

You don’t have to think about what to do

Being an adult is filled with stressors. Why add to them by trying to figure out how to stay fit on your own? A personal trainer will do all the thinking for you. You will never have to do so much as to count a repetition or waste any of your precious minutes standing around wondering which machine to get on next.

Safe and Effective

Form is important. A personal trainer will monitor your exercises making sure you do them correctly to avoid injury. Trainers also have a broad understanding of physiological and metabolic systems and will apply that understanding to your routine. You will see the results.

Unique to you

A good personal trainer will program workouts designed specifically to meet your needs and help you reach your goals. Getting in shape (and staying there) isn’t a “one size fits all” process. Your workouts shouldn’t be either.


When you feel like slacking off, there is someone who won’t let you.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends most adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiorespiratory exercise per week. That’s  2.5 hours every 7 days. One-half hour a day. That’s all you need, and it doesn’t even have to be every day. Less than three hours a week with a personal trainer and sensible nutritional habits will get you well on your way toward the you that you want to be. Its something to think about the next time you want to say “I don’t have the time”

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