Introducing a New Nutrition Partner

Michael Raynor

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You have likely heard the phrase “you can’t out-exercise a bad diet,” and the deeper truth is that our nutritional habits have a far greater impact on our body composition and health goals than any other fitness component. Here is just one reason that is so: We eat more frequently than we exercise (we may exercise 5 – 8 times per week, but likely we eat 21–35 times per week), giving us many more opportunities to make healthful choices that can positively affect our body composition and health. 

This we know: Nutrition and exercise are BOTH important parts of losing fat, gaining strength, preventing disease and feeling good, so the best way to create positive body and health changes is to implement a combination of a customized fitness program and a well-balanced whole-foods nutrition plan.  

Our Empower trainers have you covered on the exercise tip. We have helped you create a customized plan based on your needs and goals and have been keeping you sweating, strengthening, and stretching (many of you for years). 

However, it has been a while since we have had a strong Nutrition Counseling program in place. This is a void we are on a mission to fill, and we are so excited to introduce a new Nutrition partner. 

Michael Raynor, from Raynor Strength and Nutrition will come on board as Empower’s lead Registered Dietitian Nutritionist – and he is AWESOME!

If you or your family have been struggling with:

  • weight gain 
  • poor eating habits
  • being bloated
  • improper digestion
  • feeling tired, irritated or stressed
  • craving unhealthy foods 
  • poor performance
  • or eating for reasons other than hunger . . .

And you are ready to see how improved nutrition can help you:

  • increase energy
  • improve sleep quality
  • strengthen your immune system
  • boost mood
  • increase concentration
  • lose fat
  • increase muscle 
  • improve performance
  • reduce symptoms of disease
  • and more . . .

Sign Up for a FREE get-to-know-you nutrition consult call, where Michael can help you determine the best plan for you and your family.


Meet Michael:

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Michael Raynor, MS, RD, LDN, is a Triangle area-based registered dietitian nutritionist. His interest and love for nutrition started in high school, where he played ice hockey and eventually picked up cycling and bicycle racing—racing at a national and international level. It was through sports that Michael realized the direct link between the food we eat and how we feel and perform.

Michael received his BS in Nutrition from NC State University. He completed his Master’s degree and dietetic internship through Meredith College. Michael is currently serving as the President of the Raleigh Dietetic Association. He has a wide breadth of experience working with clients with cardiovascular diseases, weight management, diabetes, & athletes of all levels.

When not helping clients reach their goals and achieve their best health and fitness, Michael loves to ride his bike, walk his dog, Boone, with his wife, and go camping and hiking.

A note from Michael to the Empower Community:

A person with a dog on a beach

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Hello Empower Family!

I’m so excited to be partnering with Empower to provide nutrition services to the Empower community. I’m a Raleigh-based Registered Dietitian, and I help people fuel their best health and fitness through food and nutrition. I really enjoy helping clients with weight maintenance, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and athletes, and I especially enjoy helping clients fuel their workouts and fitness endeavors with a well-balanced diet. I discovered my passion and love for nutrition through my fitness journey. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or confused by how to eat a healthy, balanced diet, or you aren’t sure how to properly fuel your activities and workouts, I’d love to help untangle the web of nutrition and get you on the right track. Reach out!

Happy eating,

Michael Raynor, MS, RD, LDN


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