Hello Friends, Last week I “broke down” and went out to brunch with my Quaranteam. For some of you, that’s no big deal – you’ve been to restaurants and you feel more comfortable being out and about. Others of you just shuddered at the thought of taking that risk. Before I go on, let me just say we honor you wherever you are on this decision-making curve, and we know you’re doing what’s best for YOU and your family. Personally, I hit a wall. The malaise of this pandemic life got the best of me, and I just needed some “normalcy,” and someone else to cook the food and do the dishes. So we masked up, mustered up a healthy dose of patience and set out to do life in this “new normal.” It’s no surprise that despite all the extra precautionary steps and hyper-focus on safety that we had a delightful outing to one of Durham’s most beloved spots – Guglhupf – the food, the weather, the conversation and the atmosphere were just perfect and just what I needed to feel like myself. On one hand, I felt like I was breaking the rules since we all know we’re safer at home. On the other, I felt joy, happiness and intense gratitude to engage in something so simple and “normal.” We trust that you’re probably feeling the same way – in this weird place where each non-essential outing requires a calculated risk, a decision on how to engage while remaining vigilant with your safety. While we may collectively be OVER the pandemic, the pandemic is not over. So where does that leave us? Well, as your fitness and wellness experts we’re committed to helping create balance and normalcy in your routine through exercise. Many of you are still meeting with your trainer virtually while some of you are making your way back to the studio. We realize that each client will be ready to re-engage in person at different times, and we want to make sure you are aware of your many options for fitness and wellness. We are committed to meeting you where you are.pandemic, |
In-Studio Safety Protocols |
If you’re ready to return to the studio, then we’re ready to welcome you. Things look a little different than before, and we believe our stringent protocols will allow you to exercise in as safe a way as possible. If you’re getting a little tired of your home setup or you just miss the routine of coming to the studio, we would love for you to come in. Here’s what you can expect:1. WE WILL EXCEED PRECAUTIONS Recommended by the Interim Guidance for Indoor Fitness Centers and Gyms Settings – For example, under this order our studio could have 40 people inside and we will keep capacity numbers below ½ of that mark. 2. SYMPTOM CHECK FORM – We ask that you thoroughly read and agree to the following protocols that state if you have any of these symptoms or exposure risks that you will not come to the studio. Please see form here. 3. ARRIVAL – We ask that you do not enter the studio until it is time for your appointment. We will leave warm up instructions on a whiteboard and equipment, like bands and foam rollers, outside each door so you can do a dynamic warm up ahead of time if you wish. If you need to change or use the bathroom, you can come in (with a mask on) to change then please return to your car or outside to warm up until your trainer comes to get you for your appt. If there is inclement weather, please wait in your car and your trainer will help you warm up at the beginning of your appointment. Please wash your hands upon entering the studio. 4. MASKS – Masks are required to enter and leave the studio and anytime you are outside of your dedicated workout “pod.” We strongly recommend that you wear a mask or face covering the entire time, however we understand that wearing a mask while performing strenuous exercise is uncomfortable – therefore, you may remove your mask temporarily during this part of your workout. All trainers and staff will wear masks at all times. 5. BATHROOM/SHOWER AREA – Our bathrooms and shower will be open, but only for 1 person at a time. If our bathrooms are occupied, there are single-person access bathrooms in the building’s hallway available. 6. DEPARTURE – We ask that you leave the studio pretty promptly after your appointment (with a face covering) so that your trainer can have time to prepare for the next client. Here’s a time-lapse video of our girls helping us put up our huge safety partitions that are allowing us to create workout “pods” within the studio. |
Get Yo’ Group Groove On |
What is group training? And how do you do group ANYthing during a pandemic? Well, we’re glad you asked, and we’d love for you to try something new this week. Group training is the perfect complement to your weekly routine with your trainer (or as a stand-alone). You get the knowledge, expertise and motivation of an Empower professional AND you get the benefit of working out alongside others in our virtual and/or LIVE socially distanced format. Our group training workouts are designed just like a personal training session – with the appropriate warm up, attention to detail, and personalization of exercise intensity that you know and love.If you’re struggling with motivation, you are getting a little bored with your workouts or you KNOW you should get more exercise then give group training a TRY! How it works: Virtual Group Training – Pre-register at least 30 minutes before the group training session, and we will send you a Zoom link to join from the comfort of your home or office. Our workouts are creative, efficient and require very little equipment. Choose from Cardio Circuit, Strength Training, and Outdoor/In-Person Yoga Fusion to Barre Your first session is FREE or use your class card. In Person Group Training – Join Judy Raby of JARBarre for a one of kind experience – Yoga Fusion to Barre. This class will be held outside Empower and limited to only 5 participants (to maintain appropriate social distance). Kick off your Saturday with a blend of yoga and barre and be on your way to creating a great day. $20/class and pre-registration is required. On Demand Group Training – Join our private FB group or request access to our private YouTube channel where we provide support, motivation and a suggested workout every single day from our on-demand library of workouts. Only $30/month. |
We are finding our way back to “normal” and we trust that you are too. Be safe, be vigilant, wear your mask, practice social distancing and engage where you can. |
5 Ways to Feel More ALIVE in 2025: Health, Vitality, and Happiness
The start of a new year is the perfect time to refresh your health and wellness routine, especially as we