Hey fellas! Here is more detail on my first secret to help you get back to that svelte man bod you had in your younger days. Check out how water intake can play a significant role in changing your shape. The human body is comprised of 70% water and it plays a very important role in most bodily functions. I won’t bore you with ALL the different ways water affects the body, just the ones that influence how you can change your body to lose weight, increase muscle, and boost your energy. Proper hydration helps:
- Maintain normal brain function.
The brain is the control center of the nervous system. It allows you to stay focused during workouts and recruits muscle to do the necessary work.
- Prevent Injury.
If your joints and muscles are well hydrated, they can perform to their optimum level. Have you ever eaten beef jerky, which is dehydrated meat? It’s very dry and tough. Dried muscle doesn’t stretch and contract very well, it just tears apart.
- Aide digestion and nutrient breakdown.
Water is the universal solvent. It can breakdown almost anything. Proper hydration levels help the body break down foods into usable nutrient forms for cell recovery and muscle building.
- Flush waste products from the body.
These waste products can create a toxic environment in your body and prolong the recovery process. Getting rid of them helps you avoid heavy soreness and feel ready to take on another great workout.
- Increase your metabolism.
Proper hydration boosts your calorie burn rate at rest allowing you to melt more fat throughout the day. That means cinching up the belt another notch. Water intake provides the ultimate fat burning environment and can take you from soft and fluffy to hard and defined.
So, how much water should you be drinking? It’s pretty simple math really. Take your body weight in pounds and divide by 2. The result tells you how many ounces of water you should drink each day. If you don’t drink much water on a daily basis, then take two to three weeks to increase your intake to the recommended dosage. Now, grab a glass and get to drinkin’.
Next time, I’ll be talking about the one type of exercise that can totally reshape your body…weight training.