A Dream Deferred
I would like to take a moment to recognize this moment in history and call on us all to read this poem, go within, and seek a deeper understanding of the enduring significance racism plays in the health of our communities. This poem was written by Langston Hughes in 1935, and yet these words still […]
Empower’s 2020-Worthy BIG Announcement!
What a strange year it’s been, eh? Full stop 2020 is about as crazy as it gets… We know you are experiencing it too. And since we’re in the craziest year of our lives, we are announcing some even more 2020-worthy “news.” As you know Ronda and Jessica, Empower’s owners, have been best friends since […]
Losing a Legend: In Honor of RBG
Last Thursday Ronda and I were honored at a virtual luncheon for being two of the 2020 Women Of Achievement award recipients (Check it out here). It was an incredible honor and made us proud to be in the company of so many amazing women business owners, teachers, executives, activist and leaders who are enriching […]
Re-Opening Plan for Phase 2.5
Wow! Our beautiful Empower studio has been officially closed for almost 6 months. If you had asked us back in March, when we thought this might be a 2 week to 2 month ordeal, if we could weather a 6 month shut down—I think we would have been skeptical. But here we are, weary but […]
Time Management in the Time of COVID
In any situation, good or bad, an opportunity-focused mindset will allow you to look for the lessons, the opportunities or the upside that lies within. While the Covid pandemic has been challenging for some and even devastating for others—we encourage you all to think about the positive ways in which this experience has affected your life […]
Racial Equity Institute
As part of our commitment to inclusivity, our Team here at Empower took the opportunity to attend a workshop presented by the Racial Equity Institute. REI is an organization dedicated to creating equitable systems by challenging traditional, patterns, concepts and mores through education. As a Team we wanted to share our thoughts on what we learned. […]
EMPOWER’s Business Culture and Our Commitment to Our Values
Cont’d from our email . . . Integrity – We always speak honestly and stay true to what we promise. Trust is an integral part of our team dynamic and we strive to earn and develop long-lasting mutually beneficial relationships. We will admit to making mistakes and continually learn from them. Commitment – […]