BUSY, BUSY – Take Control of your Time

Do you ever feel like life is not only busy, but too busy? Lately I have been running at a frenetic pace, which has left me feeling exhausted and stressed. Almost to where I am longing for the Safer-At-Home Covid days . . . (almost). However, I woke up this morning determined to take a […]

A Healthier Halloween

A Healthier Halloween Beginning of the Holiday Season Halloween marks the beginning of the holiday season–(let the sugar-influx roll).  The next couple of months are filled with treats, parties, family gatherings, alcohol, and a packed schedule.  So how do you continue to pursue your health and fitness goals despite all that this time of year […]

Mindful Movement & Meditation

Mindful Movement and Meditation: 4 Week Series – Sundays, 4:00 – 4:45 pm Starting Oct. 17th If you are one of the majority who thinks you can’t meditate because you can’t sit still, we designed this class for you. By incorporating qigong and tai chi-inspired movements prior to meditation, you will release built up energy […]

Yoga Inspires

True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived. Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been; yoga cares about the person you are becoming. Yoga is designed for a vast and profound purpose, and for it […]

Managing Hunger & Appetite

By Michael Raynor, MS, RD, LDN Maybe you’re a seasoned athlete, have been working out consistently for years, or maybe you’re new to working out consistently. Regardless of which camp you fall in, working out consistently and more frequently can lead to an increased appetite or feeling hungrier because of the additional calories you’re burning, […]

R.J. is Back at Empower!

This is the best news we have had to share in a long time . . . For those of you who have been at Empower long enough to remember R.J. Lisander, it thrills us to announce SHE IS COMING BACK to Empower! For those of you who have yet to meet R.J., you are […]

Got Glutes?

There is far too much talk about what our backside looks like and not enough talk about what these muscles actually do. Let’s look. There are three different glute muscles: Gluteus maximus Gluteus medius Gluteus minimus Together, these muscles are the primary movers for hip extension, hip internal rotation, and hip abduction (moving the leg […]

Metabolism: What we THOUGHT we Knew

  Anyone else read the recent NY Times article; “What We Think We Know About Metabolism May Be Wrong?” Well, first let me just start by saying. Isn’t science wonderful?! I saw this quote somewhere recently and love it, so I will share: “Science is not the truth. Science is finding the truth. When science […]

How to Hydrate & Why it’s Important

By Michael Raynor, MS, RD, LDN “Hydration is the key to success” is a phrase I’ve said to nearly every single one of my clients, regardless of their goals. The importance of being properly hydrated for the health of nearly every system and part of our body can’t be overstated. Hydration is important for the […]

Life From Both Sides

“I have looked at life from both sides now . . .” I know I am dating myself – but these lyrics from a Joni Mitchell song (Both Sides, Now) have been running through my head all weekend. We had such a fun weekend planned. My daughter Emery’s 11th birthday was Friday, and we had […]