Your Mind is Powerful

I think you have likely heard the saying – “You are what you think,” but have you ever taken the time to decipher what this means? Our minds are powerful parts of our beings and much of what we think (especially what we think of ourselves) will manifest itself in our lives. There is a cyclical concept that explains one way in which this happens: our identity drives our habits and our habits shape our identity.  The way we see ourselves, our values, beliefs, and goals can influence the habits we form and, in turn, the habits we form can reinforce and shape our sense of self.

For example, if we identify as someone who is health-conscious and values fitness, we are more likely to form habits such as exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, and getting enough sleep. These habits can reinforce our identity as someone who values health and fitness, leading us to prioritize these habits in our daily lives. Similarly, if we identify as someone who is creative and values artistic expression, we are more likely to form habits such as practicing our art regularly, seeking out new sources of inspiration, and experimenting with new techniques. These habits can reinforce our identity as a creative person, leading us to see ourselves as someone who is constantly evolving and improving our skills.

Knowing that our habits can shape our identity by reinforcing the values and beliefs that are important to us, and our identity can drive our habits by influencing the actions we take and the choices we make in our daily lives – is part of why Empower’s health philosophy (ThinkFUN, Get Fit, Eat Well, Sleep Well) starts with the word “THINK.”  We encourage all of you to take a moment to think about how you define YOU. Do you think of yourself as a fit, healthy, energetic person?  If not, why? What would it take to change your mind? 

Ultimately, the relationship between identity and habits is a dynamic and reciprocal one, where both are closely intertwined and can influence each other over time.  If this is an area you think you need some help in please talk to your trainer about your mindset . . . and how becoming powerful starts with believing you already are!

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