It’s a common trap people fall into. We go to the movies or watch television and see the beautiful celebrities on the screen and strive to have that same look. Who wouldn’t want to look like Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) from Fight Club or a Victoria Secret model?

But it’s important to remember the circumstances of these people’s lives. Your job may be an accountant, a programmer, a mother, or anything else. You probably dedicate 40-60 hours per week on your job alone, not to mention finding time to exercise, cook, clean your house, do laundry, pay the bills, etc. During your two weeks off (maybe) per year you’re probably busy trying to rest and relax.
Their job is to look good.
Brad Pitt has made 21 movies since Fight Club came out in 1999. That’s just over two movies per year, and assuming filming takes two months (max) he can dedicate the rest of his time to eating pristine foods, exercising as much as he needs, and sleeping. And don’t think I’m trying to take anything away from him. I believe these people are extremely disciplined and focused towards their goals. I once read that Christian Bale had to starve himself for over four months prior to filming a movie. His eating consisted of a cup of coffee and either one apple or one can of tuna each day. Now that’s dedication.
But think of how he must have felt during that period. The point is that these people are putting themselves through extreme circumstances in order to obtain a certain look for the camera. It’s their job.

Paul Piracci, BS CSCS
Paul brings a background of athletics and education to the Empower team. He believes that wellness should be viewed as a blended lifestyle that balances nutrition, a healthy mind, and fitness which incorporates fun recreational activities. For more information about Empower Personal Training please call (919) 401-8024.