Client Blogspot – Jess Oakley – “The Catalyst”

The Catalyst A few years ago, I made a great decision. It ended up being one of those choices that was so monumental that I can look back and pinpoint exactly when the course of my life and health began to change for the better. I made this decision one night in late April about […]

30 Days to Wellness Challenge SUCCESS!

As we gear up for another 30 Days to Wellness Challenge we would like to reflect on this awesome testimonial submitted by one of our Empower favorites, Kathy Cleaver.  Join us on September 8th as we embark on another 30 days of clean eating, fitness fun and feeling good! “Two weeks down and two to […]

Short on Time? Try a Complex

What is a complex? A complex is a series of exercises, using the same piece of equipment with the same amount of weight (or resistance), consecutively until all of the repetitions are complete. Complexes can be completed with barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, cable machines, medicine balls, or any modality that you wish to. What exercises can […]

10 Years of Empower and Beyond: Why ARBONNE?

As we reflect on the last 10 years of our Empower story we feel immense pride and gratitude.  We remember all that we have learned, all that we endured, all of the milestones and all of the challenges . . . but mostly we remember all of you  – Empower staff and clients who have […]

An Inside Look at Girl’s On The Run

-from Caroline, GOTR Participant at Morehead Elementary “I didn’t even really know what Girls On The Run was when my mom signed me up.  I knew I was pretty fast running the bases in softball but that was pretty much all the running I ever did.  I wasn’t sure that running a 5K sounded like […]

How Your Pet’s Health Affects Your Health

It’s time to check in on everyone’s health–even yours! Schedule your pet’s yearly checkup today to find out how your pet’s health affects YOU! Daily interactions with your pet can be one of the best parts of life. Your dog sleeps with you. Your cat licks you. You go on walks in the woods together. […]

I Heart Avocados

This post comes to you from EMPOWER’s very own registered Dietician: Anna LaBarre, MS, RDN, LDN. Research has shown that replacing saturated fat in our diets (found primarily in animal products) with monounsaturated fat (like that found in olive oil, canola oil and avocados) can lower our LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. But in case you […]

New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2015 everyone. Now, like most people starting January 1st, I’m sure that you all have decided to make resolutions. If you have, what are they, and if you haven’t, why haven’t you? Here’s a quick acronym to guide you in evaluating your current resolutions or to help you create some! […]

Mobility from the Ground Up

Creating a foundation of quality movement is critical to being a healthy human being Zachary J Connell M.Ed., CSCS, Pn-1, CPT LEARN MORE ABOUT MOBILITY FROM THE GROUND UP WORKSHOP SERIES What Is Mobility Training? Mobility training is a holistic approach to resolving and preventing injury while programming the body with the motor skills necessary […]

Client of the Month – The Amy Allen Story

Amy Allen woke up on a dreary December morning in 2013. Just like every other day, she would get up, eat a plain piece of boring toast, drive the drudging drive to her plain gym, and complete another tedious workout in a massive group fitness setting. However, as she was on her way back to […]