What exercise should you do every day? Name an animal that is easy to imitate? Which trainer is most likely to lose it?
These were just a few the questions that our trainers had to answer yesterday during our first ever Empower Personal Training Trainer Feud. This challenge, created by our very own Caroline Crocker and Tom Stafford, was a fun ice breaker during our most recent staff meeting. It was modeled after the long running game show hit, Family Feud. If you’ve never seen that show before, then shame on you. It’s awesome. Either way, let me tell you how it all went down.
For the last few weeks, we’ve been polling our clients, having them give us their answers to some pretty interesting questions. For example, what is the vegetable that people hate the most? (brussle sprouts of course!) After we got all of the answers in, we tabulated the results and were ready to play. During the meeting we divided into two teams, and one person from each team went up to “face off” againstanotherin answering one of the questions. The trainer who rang in first and got the question right (needing to provide a response which was in the top 5 of the client provided answers) went back in line and their team tried to provide the remaining top 4 answers. If a team got 3 guesses wrong, or 3 strikes, then the opposing team had an opportunity to steal the round.
Hopefully, that wasn’t too confusing. I’ve defintely confused myself, and my head hurts. Anyway, I think you should just watch the clip. Here are some highlights fromlast week’sgame. Enjoy!

?Jamie Ives, MA, CSCS