The TIME Has Come

Time and money, the two things we ALL wish we had more of. Seeing how I’m a fitness guy, let me give you some guidance on getting more out of your time.


Each one of us has a laundry list of tasks that steal away our time. Our job, commuting, sleeping, eating, household chores, leisure activities like reading or screen time (TV, phone, computer, tablet), social life (I hope), kids and all of their activities, vacation, class and homework (if you’re a student), just to name a few.


Notice I did not include exercise on that list. That’s because we tend to push it to the bottom of our priority list, or just plain skip it all together. Why? We don’t have time.




I’m going to call BS on that one. That’s just an excuse. I’ve used it myself. Yes, I know. It sounds bad that a personal trainer says he doesn’t have time to workout. But I’m human just like you. I have good days and bad days too. I have to be more focused and headstrong just like you.


Sometimes I get stuck in the old days when I had time to workout for and hour or more, back before I was married and had a kid. Nowadays, I usually have an hour to change my clothes, warm up, workout, and get cleaned up before my next client. Truly, that only leaves me about 30 minutes for the actual workout. Which, means that I have to be efficient and organized with my time. You can do the same.


Pick two muscle groups and do some strength training to work those groups in an alternate fashion. This should take 20-22 minutes of your workout time. Finish your last 8-10 minutes with cardio intervals. Make sure that you work at a challenging intensity level the whole workout. If you do, you will find that 30 minutes is plenty of time get your desired result.


Your workouts don’t have to be perfect, they just need to be focused and get done. Oh, and lastly, make sure you book a workout time slot in your daily calendar.


Now, book some time to workout and then go do it!

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