Sticking to a routine isn’t always easy. In fact, it’s hardly ever easy unless the routine doesn’t require us to do much work. For instance, if I lived in Barbados, I think I could gladly start up the routine of getting up every day to chill in beach chair under some palm trees. Or better yet, in a hammock between two palms. That wouldn’t be too hard. I’d have to get up to go to the cooler every now and then, but hey…you have to throw exercise in there somewhere right?
But alas, life isn’t about doing much of nothing at the beach or while on vacation. It’s about (or at least it should be) being dedicated, setting goals, and striving for success. In order to that, it’s vital that we have some sort of schedule and/or routine that effectively gets us where we want to go. Setting a schedule and sticking to a routine is something that helps us in just about every aspect of life. Studies show that those who make short and long term goals as a part of those routines are more successful in life. If you don’t believe me, then just look it up. It’s just a fact.
Of course, when it comes to our health and wellness, the same scenario applies. However, most people would agree that this is one area of life in which routines are hardest to set. We are all busy and we all have so much going on. Usually, when you add up all of your responsibilities, be it work, family, pets, school, or other extracurricular commitments, there isn’t much time in the day to spend on you. I know many people who have tried to start a fitness plan so that they can get in better shape or lose weight, only to fall off of the track within a few months. A common reason is that “I just can’t find the time to exercise and eat right,” or “I’m just not seeing the results that I want.” Of course, 100% of the time, the second excuse is a direct effect of the first excuse.
Well with that said, I decided to do a quick search on a few tips that can help us stick with our workout schedule. Although it requires a lot of effort on our part, the rewards are definitely worth it in the end. Here are a few highlights from a recent article as well as the link if you want to check the article out in more depth. I’ve also included a second link, which references a USA Today article on tips for effective weight loss.
Tips to help you stick to your exercise routine.
Step 1
Set multiple small goals instead of large or unrealistic goals. Work in stages to achieve your goals and work from a place of positive reinforcement, rather than feeling frustrated and giving up.
Step 2
Pay for a gym membership, personal trainer or exercise class. Making a financial commitment can help you stay motivated.
Step 3
Carve out time from your busy schedule to hit the gym or go for a brisk walk. Write it down in your planner and treat it like any other important appointment and get down to the business of getting fit.
For additional steps, click HERE
For some neat tips on effective weight loss, click HERE

Jamie Ives, MA, CSCS
Jamie has several years of experience in the fitness industry, working with clients of various ages, ability levels, and health conditions. He enjoys using his knowledge as well as his experience in exercise prescription and program design to help each of his clients reach their individual wellness goals and improve their quality of life. For more information about Empower Personal Training, please call (919) 401-8024