Well, it seems like our nice run of warm fall weather is starting to come to a close. We’ve had a couple of frosts already and the window shields need to be scraped off. Daylight savings has come and gone and the days are so much shorter. For many of us, we go to work early, come home late and we wonder where in the world the day has gone. Plus there’s the holiday season, which causes many to indulge, and often over indulge, on some of their favorite foods. So with shorter days and the stress from our jobs, the end result is that during this time of year, we are often tired, hungry, and pretty sleepy. Plus, we may just not feel like working out at all! To me that sounds a bit like hibernation.
Staying active in the winter can help stave off winter depression, prevent weight gain, and build muscle tone and stamina for the winter and summer. Check out this article from the Seattle Times (link)
Check out this article for some ideas on how to stay active. (link)
Pick any of these 10 exercises…they are pretty tough! (link)