Happy New Year! Welcome to 2015 everyone. Now, like most people starting January 1st, I’m sure that you all have decided to make resolutions. If you have, what are they, and if you haven’t, why haven’t you? Here’s a quick acronym to guide you in evaluating your current resolutions or to help you create some!
N – EW: This year, try something different. Don’t bring back old resolutions that were never completed. Think of something unique, something that you’ve been wanting to change for a while, but just haven’t found the time or the energy yet. Make it personal to your situation, and then make it happen.
E – XCITING: This one sounds self-explanatory, but can often be very difficult to do when making a resolution. Think of a goal that you can be enthusiastic about., one that you’ll accomplish and be able to look back on with satisfaction. The process should’t be easy, or one that you can do in thirty seconds. Make it an exciting journey.
W – ILLING: What are you willing to do this year? Is your resolution attainable? Will you actually attempt it? Choose something that you want to do and have the ability to do, not something that is out of reach.
Y – IELDING: This one actually is self-explanatory – make a resolution that will produce noticeable results.
E – MPOWERing: Your resolution should alter the way you think and feel about yourself. It should be something that makes you feel better while doing it and improves your day-to-day life when accomplished.
A – CTIVE: Don’t be passive about. Make a goal that you can work towards on a daily basis, not something that can be put on the back burner for a couple days and then just pulled out when you feel like making a change one day. Working for a great end result is often times much more fulfilling than completing some easy task.
R – ESONATE: This year, let your goals fill you with pride. You should make goals that you’ll work hard for, and strive to accomplish each and every day. Get emotional about your goals; care about them; be inspired by them.
Good luck with your resolutions! If you have a NEW YEAR goal, leave it in the comment section below or on any of our social media sites!