EMPOWER’s Business Culture and Our Commitment to Our Values

Cont’d from our email . . .



Integrity – We always speak honestly and stay true to what we promise. Trust is an integral part of our team dynamic and we strive to earn and develop long-lasting mutually beneficial relationships. We will admit to making mistakes and continually learn from them.


Commitment – We give 100 percent of ourselves and stay committed to our commitments in our ascent towards success. We believe in and are committed to the Vision, Mission, Culture and success of Empower Personalized Fitness, the Empower team and all Empower clients.


Accountability – We are responsible for our actions and outcomes and will take ownership of the decisions we make.


Conflict – We understand that in order for a TEAM to function effectively, it must engage in healthy, productive conflict from time to time in order to resolve issues, achieve clarity, and obtain buy in from all members. As a TEAM we commit to engaging in conflict according to our TEAM’s conflict norms.


Excellence – We strive to deliver services of exceptional quality that exceed customer expectations. We will continually work to improve ourselves, our facility, our products and our services to best serve the entire Empower Team and Community.


Education – We constantly better our knowledge and understanding in an ever-changing industry and world so as to provide our clients with the most relevant and healthful knowledge at all times.


Respect and Tolerance – We respect all parts of the Empower Personalized Fitness business model but most importantly its PEOPLE. We will treat our clients, colleagues, vendors, and partners with compassion and kindness. In difficult circumstances we do our best to empathize with the other side and view the situation from their perspective.


Diversity and Inclusivity – We live and work in a thriving town that is enriched by the diversity of its PEOPLE.  We are committed to creating an environment that honors and celebrates our differences and embraces the truth that our diversity is what makes us strong.  At EMPOWER inclusiveness means that everyone feel valued and respected and everyone has access to the opportunities they need as individuals.


Positive attitude and FUN – We view life as a journey to be enjoyed and appreciated, and we create an atmosphere of fun and happiness so all around us can enjoy it as well.


Adaptability and Creativity – The only thing constant is change. Given this truth, we accept change and view it as opportunity for growth. Innovation is the key to forward progress. We encourage independent thinking and embrace new ideas.


TEAMwork – We work collaboratively as a TEAM with each other, our clients and the community. Each member of the team brings special talents and areas of expertise to Empower Personalized Fitness. We are flexible in our work and able to make changes to reach resolutions.


Balance – Self-care is NOT selfish. As a healthcare company we know we must take good care of ourselves in order to effectively help others. Therefore, we strive to lead balanced lives remembering that spiritual, social, physical and family aspects are as important as financial and professional goals.


Communication – We work diligently to make effective and open communication a high priority. We understand that every person we encounter has something to teach us and strive to be attentive listeners. We speak positively of our fellow team members, our clients and Empower Personalized Fitness at all times. We greet and say good-bye to people using their names.


Success & Profitability – We appreciate that profit is the lifeblood of every business and that a profitable business benefits everyone in our organization as well as in the communities we serve.



And the story continues with a look ahead  . . .


As many of your know we have been brainstorming and re-imagining our physical studio space as we approach the end of lease term and have to make decisions about next steps.  With all of the thought and consideration we have going in the direction of future visioning it is impossible to separate our dreams of what our studio could look like and our dreams about what we want Empower to BE. For us that posed one simple question . . . how can we lean in to our core values more fully?  One of our intentions for this year was GROWTH – but we are not just interested in growing larger. How can we as a team, as a company, as fitness community grow deeper?



We were in the midst of examining this when something wonderful happened.  Jim Garman, a long-standing Empower client, contacted us with an opportunity. He had just finished a 2-Day intensive Racial Equity Training program that for him was a life-changing experience.  He was so moved in fact that he really felt that he had to share it with others and was calling to offer to pay for this training for a couple Empower team members.



We were overwhelmed with gratitude and moreover inspired to take action. As a company we not only want to write our list of core values in our employee handbook, but we want to have social impact and values interwoven into all aspects of our brand and business practices. So, with Jim’s gift as our inspirational spark we decided to invest in Racial Equity Training through the Racial Equity Institute (REI) for our whole team.



You see, we are a diverse team, living in a diverse community, during a very pivotal time. It would be easy for us to take comfort in our similarities and grow more fearful of our differences – but that is NOT who we are and that is NOT what makes us great.  In order to embrace our uniqueness it is important to learn more about the histories and experiences of people of differing identities.  We, as a team, are starting here – deepening our understanding of racial inequality and how it affects all of us. This will likely be the most meaningful continuing education we have ever had.



In the spirit of community, we would like to invite you to join us in completing an REI training over the next couple of months. You can learn more about REI here:




Also, if you would like to talk to Jess or Ronda more specifically about this training please email us here:  owners@becomepowerful.com.

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