Lori started training with me over ten years ago and because she is a bit of a daredevil ñ she has always been one of my favorite clients to work with. There isnít much she wonít do or at least try. In fact, her love of adventure has taken her to places like Chile, Peru, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Kingdom of Bhutan, China and Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to hike, scuba dive, and explore. I have also worked with all four of Loriís children and even though they were all athletes (in one way or another) Lori was usually able to hang with them during some group training sessions. However, over the years she has encountered a couple orthopedic injuries and more recently (2009) she received what she called a ìhorrible health report.î On a normal routine physical she discovered that almost all of her numbers (i.e. weight, body fat percentage, blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels) were all elevated and some even in an unhealthy range. This was a hard pill to swallow for someone who has been in great physical health most of her life. But, instead of wallowing in self pity or starting some crazy crash diet, Lori got to work. Over the past year she became diligent about watching her portion sizes, making smart food choices but never depriving herself of something she really wanted, being consistent with her Empower workouts and yoga sessions and in general just leading an active lifestyle. And, last month on her 1 year follow up the results were in and WOW was I impressed ñ all of her numbers had dropped back within normal healthy limits! This was a true testament to the fact that simple lifestyle behaviors have a large impact on our overall health. Here is what Lori has to say about her work with Empower and reaching her goals:
Age: 54
Occupation: Housewife
Why do you train with Empower Personal Training?
I chose Empower Personal Training because training here has allowed to me to achieve my goals and reach new heights. I have had the opportunity to do things that I never believed I could do, such as trekking in the Himalayas, horseback riding, mountain biking, swimming, skydiving and more. I am able to attain a high level of health with the help of the whole Empower Team.
What are/were are your specific training goals?
My specific training goals include increased endurance, lowering my cholesterol, lowering my blood sugar and taking preventative measures against osteoporosis.
How many times/week do you workout?
5 to 6 times
How did you achieve your specific training?
I achieve my training goals with portion control, healthy eating, increased yoga practice, and working with my Empower Personal Trainer to achieve my fitness goals given my age.
Have you incorporated any of our other services into you health and fitness routine?
Yes, I have done massage, yoga and nutrition with Empower and all have contributed to my success. They have a wonderfully balanced and expert staff that worked together to create a total wellness program designed specifically with my goals in mind.
What have been the results?
1. Decreased my weight and more importantly decreased my body fat percentage.
2. Maintained my core strength and flexibility
3. Most importantly – Lowered my blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar back to within normal limits, since all my numbers had crept up in the last few years.
How does achieving these results make you feel?
More than anything I feel more healthy and energetic.
Do you have any words of advice to others that are interested in attaining specific health and fitness goals?
My advice is to keep an open mind. The most important thing to consider is consistency coupled with a willingness to change your regimen based on age, injury, etc. Donít get in a rut. This can only hold you back. Listen to your trainer, fitness instructor and nutritionist. If you donít have one call EMPOWER – they know their stuff!
To learn more about Empower visit www.becomepowerful.com or to schedule a FREE Initial Consultation click HERE