Chasing The Man Bod: Secret #5: Have Some Workout FUN!


Before I get in to the details of Secret #5, let’s do a quick recap of Secrets #1-4.


Secret #1: Increase your daily water intake. Take your body weight in pounds, divide it by 2, and that is how many ounces of water you need to take in every day.


Secret #2: Weight Train at least 3 days each week to help boost testosterone levels. Use whole body or multi-joint movements like the squat, deadlift and bench press to trigger testosterone release in your body.


Secret #3: Eat Clean & Lean 5 days/week. Eat lean proteins like chicken and fish along with a variety of vegetables and stay away from simple sugars.


Secret #4: Get 6 ½ to 8 hours of sleep each night. This helps to restore your mind and your body for full recovery from your workouts.


Now, for Secret #5: Add some FUN in your workouts on a weekly basis. Play basketball, go for a hike, play some tennis, have fun splashing around in the pool with friends or family members.

Remember, those activities are workouts too, Break the monotony of pumping iron and spinning on the elliptical. It not only keeps you from getting mentally bored but it challenges your nervous system in a different way. A variety of activities releases endorphins and turns on the pleasure centers in your brain. That makes you want to go back for another workout and carry on your quest to chase the svelte man bod you had in your younger days.



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