Eat Clean & Lean

This particular secret to getting back the svelte man bod you had in your younger days is quite simple. Unfortunately, it’s the one thing that we have the most trouble with. Clean eating. We find it difficult for two reasons. Giving in to our cravings and getting lazy on food prep.

Have you heard the old saying, “If you fail to plan, you should plan to fail,” ? Well, when it comes to reaching workout goals, that saying definitely applies. Taking one to one and a half hours on a Sunday to prep some meals and snacks for the week and be an absolute lifesaver. It sets you up for success in eating healthy and keeping money in your wallet that you would have spent buying unhealthy, calorie-dense food for lunch.

Here are some general eat clean and lean eating guidelines.

  • Eat clean and lean 5 days each week.
  • All meals and snacks should consist of protein, carbohydrates, and some fats.
  • Lean proteins include eggs, turkey, fish, and leaner cuts of beef.
  • Be sure to eat leafy greens to get the iron necessary to help build your muscles.
  • In addition your leafy greens, be sure to get a color variety with your vegetables. Carrots, tomatoes, different peppers, onions, garlic, sweet potatoes, etc.
  • Drastically limit sweets and junk foods like soda, alcohol, ice cream, desserts, snack chips, etc. If you have to ask if a certain food in included in this list, then the odds are good it IS.
  • Don’t forget the most crucial tip, drinking water. Water helps your body process all the nutrients you take in.

Eat clean and lean 80% of the time and success will come your way. Next time I’ll talk about what you need to do to get your muscles to grow the most. SLEEP!

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