Beat Low Back Pain
Do you have low back pain? Would you like to enjoy not having back pain? Chronic low back pain has many causes that often have the same solution. This means getting your pelvis and spine back to their neutral position. The stretch below helps kill many birds with one stretchy stone. This exercise stretches both […]
Healing from Exercise Boredom: 3 Workouts You Can Use at the Gym
So many people go to the gym and just don’t know what to do. Here are a couple methods you can use to vary your workout routine. 1-The Countdown: Pick 5 exercises, do 10 reps of each exercise then start over with 9 reps of each. Keep going all the way down to 1. […]
Chasing The Man Bod: Secret #2
My second secret for getting that svelte man bod of yesteryear is weight training. There are several things to know about weight training so I’m gong to simplify them for you. Let’s get back to the basics. Workout Order: Warm up 5-10 minutes, weight training workout, finish with the cardio. This order allows […]
Foam Rolling 101
At this point I’m sure you’ve heard about the importance of foam rolling or at the bare minimum a good friend or your trainer has introduced you to it. Many of us know that we should be foam rolling but struggle to understand the “why?” in regards to using it in a safe and effective […]
Chasing the Man Bod: Secret # 1
Hey fellas! Here is more detail on my first secret to help you get back to that svelte man bod you had in your younger days. Check out how water intake can play a significant role in changing your shape. The human body is comprised of 70% water and it plays a very important role in […]
Hey Fellas, Check Out These 5 Secrets to Getting Back That Svelte Man Bod You Had in Your Younger Days
If you feel like life is sneaking up on you robbing you of strength, endurance, and energy and your body has become a little softer than you want it to be, check out my 5 secrets to getting back the body you had in your younger days. Increase your daily water intake. Work […]
The Importance of Weight Lifting for Bone Health
What we do in our younger years has a huge impact on our risk for bone disease. Many of us will build bone especially well into our early twenties. After our young adult life, we’re primarily holding on to the stores we have already built. That’s not to say we can’t build bone in later […]
An Inside Look at Girl’s On The Run
-from Caroline, GOTR Participant at Morehead Elementary “I didn’t even really know what Girls On The Run was when my mom signed me up. I knew I was pretty fast running the bases in softball but that was pretty much all the running I ever did. I wasn’t sure that running a 5K sounded like […]
Stay Active! – Outdoor Workout
The end of summer is one of the best times of the year to get enjoy the outdoors with a quick workout! If you’re looking for a change-up to your daily routine of working out in doors or just want to enjoy the weather, then here’s a great way to spend 30 minutes in the […]
Exercise of the Week: The Box Squat
This week we’ll take an in-depth look at a great precursor to a full barbell back squat, and a very difficult exercise in its own right, the box squat. The box squat is a compound, total body lift that works your hamstrings, glutes, hips, spinal erectors, and core hard. So why should you box squat? […]