Fab 4 Fitness Friday – Core Blast!
It’s all about the core! Core work will strengthen your pelvis, low back, hips and abdomen. Why is that important? Being strong in those areas helps promote stability, balance, and protects you from injury. An added benefit to core work is that it doesn’t require a single piece of equipment to do. Try our Fab […]
Move More, Sit Less.
How do we fight the threat of our chairs? The answer is to get up and move.
Fab 4 Fitness Moves Friday – Squat it Out!
Ever wonder how Beyoncé gained her assets? She probably did a few squats.The benefits of squats are many, but they crush calories, improve core strength, and you don’t need equipment to do any.Squats are a compound movement – one that hits several major muscle groups at a time – which means they are a fantastic […]
Moderate Intensity Workout
Looking for a Moderately Intense Workout that takes 30 – 60 minutes? Check out this bodyweight workout can do this all at home. Over 40 Workout Moderate Intensity – Choice #1 Outside Body Weight Workout Walk briskly or light jog for 10 minutes 2.5 minutes – 30/10 second work/rest circuit intervals 30 seconds – Bodyweight […]
How Amanda Plays
In this blog I want to share some examples of how I’ve used play in different aspects of my life: Play in my relationship I was struggling with being snappy, and short with my boyfriend. In addition to praying for patience and to be slow to anger, I decided to make this a game. […]
Chasing the Man Bod: Finding Your Motivation
Just recently, I heard that a friend was diagnosed with blood clots in his lungs. The news immediately brought back a lot of feelings and emotions. I was diagnosed with the same in 2014. Shortly after I heard the news of his diagnosis, I sent him a text message and asked if I could […]
Chasing The Man Bod: Secret #5: Have Some Workout FUN!
Before I get in to the details of Secret #5, let’s do a quick recap of Secrets #1-4. Secret #1: Increase your daily water intake. Take your body weight in pounds, divide it by 2, and that is how many ounces of water you need to take in every day. Secret #2: […]
Chasing The Man Bod: Secret #4 Sleep
Your body grows and repairs during the rest phase of your workouts. Most specifically, this happens at night when you are sleeping. Let’s take a deeper dive into the benefits of getting your ZZZZZZ’s at night. Growth hormone helps restore and rebuild body tissues and muscles. Seventy-five percent of growth hormone is […]
The Three Biggest Mistakes You’re Making in the Gym
You’re trying to distract yourself. More and more studies show there is great power in being mentally engaged in the things that you do and your workout is no different. You can improve muscle activation drastically just by thinking about your muscles working while performing and exercise. An added benefit will be in keeping […]
Lower Body Mobility
I often hear a lot from clients or other folks in the community that there never seems to be enough time in the day to get a workout in or get any kind of stretching or mobility work in for the body. We are each given the same 24 hours each day to be […]