So here it goes again – work hit overdrive and Alec hit the fast food window more times than you can count on your fingers and toes. With a colleague out on vacation during our busiest time of year, I had to pull all-nighters and work 70-80 hours per week. With that said, working out and eating well took a backseat. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how much you care about my health), Liz’s schedule was going a bit crazy as well as she prepared for her upcoming marathon. So two weeks went by with only one session for which I was late and exhausted. It did not go well. Let’s just say due to my tardiness, Liz had to leave me with the 3rd round of a circuit to do by myself. I pretended to look motivated, but I just did squats until I saw her car leave the parking lot, and then I left immediately afterward (hopefully, she does not read this and punish me).
Finally, work has died down normal hours again, so I can refocus. The beginning of that process was meeting up with Liz on Monday. I had been at a wedding all weekend, so I was pounding water during the workday for the impending beat-down I was about to receive. That said, I really was determined to have a great workout because I needed to get back in the swing of things and knew this was the first step. I actually was feeling pretty good about myself through two rounds of Liz’s circuit – my tricep push-ups were money, I was getting some serious air on my reverse lunge/knee-ups, and I was just generally feeling like a boss. Paul, my good friend and another trainer at Empower, even came by to snap a couple of pictures – most likely for the blog, but perhaps to show other clients what badass form looks like? We’ve been working on my squat form as my lower back tends to curve slightly if I go too low. Liz told me to get my butt out and keep my back arched. I told her she was just trying to “check up on it” (Beyonce’ reference in blog: check).

Anyway, the third round of the circuit about killed me. I got to a point where my tongue was so dry, I could not help but have a lisp when I talked. As I was panting and complaining on the floor after our ab workout was complete, another trainer came up to Liz and asked how her marathon went (side note: Liz went into beast mode apparently, finishing in 5th, qualifying for the Boston marathon, and averaging about a 7:30 mile for over 26 miles!!!). It is at this point that I felt like a wimp. I can barely catch my breath after an hour workout. Liz trucked it for over 3 hours. I can’t run 1 mile in under 8 minutes. Liz can do that over 26 times…consecutively. Knowing someone that much more physically able than you is quite a motivating factor. From now on, my goal is to stop complaining and start progressing because there is clearly a LONG way to go.