30 Days to Wellness Challenge SUCCESS!

As we gear up for another 30 Days to Wellness Challenge we would like to reflect on this awesome testimonial submitted by one of our Empower favorites, Kathy Cleaver.  Join us on September 8th as we embark on another 30 days of clean eating, fitness fun and feeling good!

“Two weeks down and two to go and I feel…GREAT! Honestly, I feel wonderful. I have tons of energy, am sleeping really well, have no stomach issues and don’t feel bloated. I’m not hungry – in fact, I feel full most of the day. I’ve lost weight – the scale says so! But so do my clothes, so does my husband and most importantly, so do I! I can FEEL a difference in my body. I feel smaller 🙂

I’ve fallen into an easy, happy pattern. I have a shake in the morning along with a cup of detox tea; I also have another shake at lunch (I usually add a handful of spinach and some fruit to the lunch shake). I have to eat every few hours, so I make sure to have a snack in the morning and one in the afternoon. I munch on berries and a few almonds in the morning, and veggies with hummus/guacamole in the afternoon. I LOVE the fizz sticks, which are perfect in the afternoon when I’m dragging a bit! They taste a little bubbly…and quench my thirst. I make sure to drink water all day long.
I did three days of the detox drink last week – the first day was bad (I didn’t like the taste). But it got easier every day. I have four more days to go – two this week and two next week.
I must confess that I’ve not followed the dinner menus offered by Arbonne. Instead, I’ve improvised and designed my own. I’ve eaten burrito bowls (with beans, brown rice and avocado); grilled turkey tenderloin with roasted brussel sprouts; grilled chicken “caesar” salad (with my own dressing, NO croutons and no cheese) and Taco salad with ground turkey breast and avocado. I don’t ever eat “fancy” dinners…I prefer simple foods with simple ingredients, spices and flavors. This really works for me!
I am almost 57 years old, and losing weight is HARD for me! But I finally feel like the scale is moving in the right direction. Most of all, I feel like I have control over the food I eat…rather than food controlling ME. I’ve battled my weight for my entire life, and this is the first time I’ve felt like I’m winning the battle in a healthy, mindful, positive way. I am not starving myself, I am not denying myself “good food” (OK – it’s tough to be without wine and coffee, but the sacrifice is definitely worth it to me) and I don’t crave carbs and sweets.
I’ve learned SO much about my determination, inner strength and personal goals. And it’s only been two weeks! I can’t WAIT to see what the next two weeks bring…and then what happens for the rest of my life.
THANK YOU – for encouraging me to take this journey, for telling me I CAN DO THIS and for all the support. After class today, three or four people asked me about the “challenge” – including one who said: “you look visibly thinner and have SO much energy.  You look great!” Music to my ears – and 50 million times the determination to make it through the next two weeks!”
See you soon,
Kathy Cleaver
Email us at owners@becomepowerful.com to learn more about the 30 Days to Wellness Challenge.


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