EMPOWER Trainer Tiffani’s goals for 2014:

The year 2014 will be my time to shine on the national stage and earn my “PRO” card, becoming a professional Figure Athlete with the Natural Physique Comity (NPA). I have chosen the NPA because of there dedication to the world of natural body building and maintaining a clean sport. Over the last 14 months I have competed in the Bikini and Figure division of other organizations, completing five shows during 2013. After 18 months of training and 13 months of competing I have the experience and foundation set to make this happen!
My competition schedule will be grueling and well planned to maximize the next 12 months. At the moment I have chosen three shows in March, April, and July but I’m sure there will be more! As grueling as my show schedule is it’s a banana split compared to my exercise and diet plan. After 18 months of focused diet and exercise I’ve really learned a lot about my body and how it responds to different combinations of macronutrients during different times of the day. The training is no joke, but the diet is 80% of the battle. The food isn’t bad or tasteless, it’s just very regiment with little room for changing percentages or macronutrients and will become more strict with each approaching show.
Training for a show varies with each person, where they are in the process and how their body responds to exercise. Personally I use a variety of training methods and a six week training cycle to provide enough intense lifting and rest to build the muscle I need to be successful. For three weeks I will train each muscle group only 1x per week, however each muscle group gets stressed to the point that it needs a week to fully recover. 5-10 sets, 1-8 reps is a general outline that I follow during this time. The last three weeks I complete four days of 60-90 minute high intensity circuits combining strength, sprints and plyometrics including 6 sets of 12-15 reps hitting each muscle group twice. This training method works for me and my body, allowing for max muscle gain and fat lose. Oh, did I mention the cardio? 20 miles of trail running a week!
So why am I willing put myself through this insanity? To prove to myself that I can, to be my best self. This process makes me more focused and determined in all areas of my life. The exposure and training make me a better trainer. There are always going to be road blocks when reaching a goal but don’t give up, form another plan! Your life is yours, draw a new roadmap and make it happen.
Tiffani is certified as a Personal Trainer and Group Instructor with the American College of Sports Medicine, National Association of Sports Medicine, and the National Association of Speed and Explosion. She is also a member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association who awarded her “Female Athlete of the Year 2010″. Tiffani graduated with her Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology and Exercise Physiology from Shepherd University and her Masters of Science in Enhanced Athletic Performance, Injury Prevention and Corrective Exercise from California University of Pennsylvania.