Tired of Elliptical? Try a Gameful Approach

Does your exercise routine sound like this? 30 min elliptical one day – maybe throw some weights around or do some machines another day – walk the dog. This routine gets booooringgggg and many of my clients come to me feeling flat, tired and totally uninspired.


If you aren’t getting enough physical activity in throughout the week or don’t know what to do for workouts, trust me I get it- you’re busy! The last thing you want to do is add “design a personalized FUN workout” on your to do list. Don’t let coming up with exercises be a chore and something that is so essential to life feel like a punishment.


Just like in my personal training with clients, I love calling Fridays FUN Fridays because people who have come to the gym all week (or multiple days) need something different to look forward to. That’s why I started making Fridays about games in the workout.


Do you have one day a week you can really look forward to the workout? Something that gets you excited and makes it FUN?


Well you can have these FUN Friday workouts too!


With my program THRIVE ON: 6 Weeks of Making Fitness FUN you will get more physical activity throughout your week. The more we get our body moving the better we feel. I can attest to this, on the days I don’t feel like working out I always feel better after I do. My mood is better too.


One of the best things about my weekly workouts is I do the heavy lifting (pun intended) for you. There’s no more need to struggle with what to do. Each week you will get a plan that keeps you motivated to move more and not dread ever going to the gym again. You can still walk the dog, and do your 30 mins of elliptical but try adding in a little more FUN a couple days a week and see how you like it! It’s time to feel GREAT again  🙂

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