Enhance your energy and fitness with Nutrition Services.

Empowering yourself through better nutrition is all about taking proactive steps to nourish your body. By embracing a holistic approach to nutrition, individuals can unlock their inner strength, vitality, and resilience, paving the way for a life of greater health, happiness, and empowerment.

Fads and yo-yo dieting just don’t work in the long run, as they’re not sustainable and, often, aren’t healthy.  At Empower, we strive to help you learn and develop habits that will increase your energy, reach and maintain your desired weight, sleep better, and improve your blood lipids

Our nutrition experts will create personalized plans that will lead to your better health and increased performance. Once your plan is in place, and you’re properly fueling your body, you’ll feel better and have more energy for your workouts.  


The Basics

4+ Months

  • A  90-Minute Initial Consultation
  • A Monthly 30-Minute Follow-Up
  • Weekly Email Check-Ins





The Deluxe

4+ Months

  • A  90-Minute Initial Consultation
  • 2 x 30-Minute Follow-Ups per Month
  • Unlimited Email Support
  • Grocery Store Tour




The Works

4+ Months

  • A  90-Minute Initial Consultation
  • Weekly 30-Minute Follow-Ups
  • Unlimited Email Support
  • Pantry Clean Out or Grocery Store Tour



Fitness management software