Healing from Exercise Boredom: 3 Workouts You Can Use at the Gym

So many people go to the gym and just don’t know what to do. Here are a couple methods you can use to vary your workout routine.


1-The Countdown:

Pick 5 exercises, do 10 reps of each exercise then start over with 9 reps of each. Keep going all the way down to 1.

Ex- dumbbell curl to overhead press, squats, V ups, ball slams, Kettlebell swings


2-Inverse ladder:

Pick 2 exercises, start with 10 reps of exercise A (usually the harder one), and 1 rep of exercise B. Then do 9 reps of A, 2 reps of B. Keep going until you’ve gotten to 1 rep of A and 10 reps of B.

*Hint* they should always add to eleven.

Ex- Exercise A= Squat to upright row, Exercise B= Weighted burpee


3-Evens and odds:

Set a timer for 2 mins (or longer if you wish). Start with 2 reps of exercise A, and 2 reps of exercise B. Keep increasing by 2 until timer runs out. Rest, and then go back down odd numbers. Challenge yourself by starting a number higher than the one you finished on.

Ex- Exercise A= Supermans, Exercise B = seated twists (each way)


Vary any of these by plugging in any of your exercise favorites (cardio moves, core, or strength) depending on what your focus is that day.


Your gym routines will never be boring again!


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