Create New Experiences

“Without new experiences, something inside you sleeps.” -Frank Herbert


Can you think of the most FUN, active weekend in your adult life? Mine was at my friend Jackie’s bachelorette party weekend at Camp No Counselor. This took place somewhere in Equinunk, PA, but they have them all over the country. I was really looking forward to this weekend ever since Jackie mentioned it to me. Especially because it fits in line with what THRIVE Alive is all about. It was a weekend about reminiscing your childhood/college days, laughing, playing, being active & having FUN at the same time. It was all those things & more



The camp was all inclusive, including alcohol, and the food was actually pretty good. Yes, we camped in bunk beds in a cabin in the woods, this took place at a kids summer camp after all. The camp had everything you could imagine: giant inflatables in the water, giant water slide into the lake, kickball, dodgeball, basketball, volleyball, high ropes course, archery, capture the flag, arts and crafts, you name it. We did activities during the day then had giant themed dance parties at night.

















Day one the camp was split into two teams (about 60 people each) and we competed in all sorts of events. The last event was a giant relay race that ended in slip & slide flip cup. My team was way behind and had no chance of winning and somehow came back for the ultimate victory ever. Day two we took a field trip to a lazy river and floated about 5 miles. It was so relaxing and beautiful. Throughout the day we got exercise without realizing it just from walking around camp, playing games and dancing. My apple watch had its highest Move ring goal achieved ever.








I had so much FUN I barely slept, which is not like me at all. I only slept about 12 hours in 3 days, and didn’t even feel it until I went home. I would do this weekend again in a heartbeat. I believe we need to make time to do these things all year round not just once a year. If we incorporate little things throughout our days/weeks that we enjoy, that are FUN, then it makes everything else in life better. Simply just making time to have a game night or go bowling or play a spontaneous game of flip cup, whatever your FUN is, make time for it. Then you will see that you enjoy your job more, your relationships will be better, and you will be happier. I guarantee your life will THRIVE! #permissiongranted #goplay



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