The Empower Team’s Favorite Fall Go-To Meals
Jessica: Breakfast: Fried egg with rosemary-roasted potatoes 1 1/2 pounds small red-skinned potatoes 1/8 cup virgin olive oil 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1 tablespoons minced garlic (3 cloves) 2 tablespoons minced fresh rosemary leaves Instructions: Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Cut the potatoes in half or quarters; toss the […]
Eat Your Water
Yes, eat your water. I know that sounds a little strange, but it is definitely what we all should do more of to stay hydrated and healthy. For most of our lives, we have all been told that we must drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to maintain good health and […]
Keeping it Real: The Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners and Why You Should Always Use the Real Thing
In a previous post I talked about the various names and dangers of a high intake of sugar in our bodies ( ). It bears repeating that added hidden sugars should be avoided as much as possible. So where should you turn? Sugar substitutions seem to be a “no brainier” right? Processed sugar leads to […]
Sugar By Any Other Name
“What’s in a name? Sugar by any other name will taste just as sweet… yet be just as dangerous!” Unfortunately, referencing Shakespeare does not carry the same endearing message when talking about sugar. Most people know that overall, sugar is not the best thing to have in our diets. Even when we are […]
I Heart Avocados
This post comes to you from EMPOWER’s very own registered Dietician: Anna LaBarre, MS, RDN, LDN. Research has shown that replacing saturated fat in our diets (found primarily in animal products) with monounsaturated fat (like that found in olive oil, canola oil and avocados) can lower our LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. But in case you […]
A Candy Conundrum
Halloween is quickly approaching, and here’s a spooky fact: Americans are expected to spend $2.5 billion on candy this year, according to the National Confectioners Association (NCA). (Just in case you’re wondering, chocolate is the most popular choice, and candy corn is a close second.) The trouble with Halloween candy….it not only sticks to our […]
September Nutrition Tip – The Salt Story
Arteries become less flexible as we age (increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke). The good news: there’s a lot we can do to protect our arteries with diet and lifestyle. Studies have shown that a high sodium diet stiffens arteries above and beyond the effect on blood pressure. A recent study published in […]
Anna LaBarre’s August Nutrition Tip – Tomatoes
Mid-August in NC means it’s time to savor tomatoes! Whip up this refreshing Gazpacho alongside grilled fish and corn on the cob for a mouthwatering, easy dinner. (This chilled soup is even great after several days in the fridge, so it’s an ideal way to pack vegetables in your brown bag lunch.) Tomatoes are […]
Post Workout Snacking
Bars and shakes are convenient, but they’re not the only refueling options post-workout. If you’ve been missing real food after your workout, try these snack options. The best post-workout snack is a carbohydrate and protein mix, since our muscles at that time are primed to replace glycogen stores (carbohydrate) and repair and rebuild (protein). Research […]
EMPOWER Recipe of the Week: Sweet Potato Salad
Ronda’s Sweet Potato Salad Recipe: National Nutrition Month is coming to an end, but we still have a few more healthy recipes to share with you! EMPOWER Co-Owner and Co-Founder, Ronda, made this Sweet Potato Salad for lunch this week! Click below to get the recipe and let us know if you try it out.