Cheating vs. Healthy Indulgence Cheating

We have all heard and maybe used ourselves, the phrase: “I cheated on my diet and ate…..” or “this is my cheat meal” or even heard the terms “good foods vs. bad foods”. These phrases and others like them create a mindset that demonizes foods. Yes, of course there are plenty of foods that we […]

Food As Medicine: Ginger

Ginger! Yet another medicinal food that is right in your nearest grocery store produce section. Remember when you were young and had an upset stomach and your mom told you to get some saltines and ginger ale? Well I do. There were plenty of times in college when I would grab the “upset stomach cure […]

Purge the Pantry: Set up for Success

So you want to eat better, improve your diet, lose weight and just feel better overall.  Well it starts with what you consume. How we look and feel on the outside has a direct correlation to what’s on the inside. If we consistently put “garbage” inside, we will eventually look and feel like garbage on the outside….. that’s not the […]

Food As Medicine: Immune System

It’s that time of the year again! It’s the season for playing in the winter snow, cozying up with some hot chocolate, a blanket and binging on Netflix…and the time for seasonal sniffles, coughs, colds and flu. This time of the year we are more vulnerable to viruses and allergies. No one enjoys being sick […]

Eat Your Water

Yes, eat your water.   I know that sounds a little strange, but it is definitely what we all should do more of to stay hydrated and healthy. For most of our lives, we have all been told that we must drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to maintain good health and […]

Sugar By Any Other Name

“What’s in a name? Sugar by any other name will taste just as sweet… yet be just as dangerous!”   Unfortunately, referencing Shakespeare does not carry the same endearing message when talking about sugar.   Most people know that overall, sugar is not the best thing to have in our diets. Even when we are […]

Trainer Spotlight: Telese Coleman

Vydashon-Telese – NASM, Z-Health, RKC   Telese has worked in the health and fitness industry for 16 plus years and has enjoyed working with a variety of clients up into their 90s. She began her fitness journey in high school with a desire to get in shape, which helped direct her studies in college. There, […]